Save an additional $250 before October 7 with code: SADHANAEARLY250

The Sādhana School
  • give a university-level education on yoga's many texts and traditions.
  • organize and contextualize your spiritual experiences through philosophy.
  • introduce time-tested systems for contemplative insight & alignment.
  • equip you with practices to maintain clarity and creativity throughout life.
  • make you an agent of contemplative healing and transformation.

The Sādhana School is a comprehensive contemplative curriculum, community, and learning laboratory that harnesses the deeper principles and philosophies of the yoga tradition for sustainable change at the personal, professional, and community levels.


Become an ambassador of esoteric yoga . . .

Our year-round curriculum is designed to:


Or see below to set up a 20-minute discovery call with the EP team.

Orientation October 26, 11:00am ET. Optional community class October 22nd.

Sādhana means "practice", and is the transformative foundation too-often neglected by yoga trainings & platforms. Remember who you are and nourish the seeds of contemplative healing.

Learn more or
enroll now to . . .

. . . Become a part of yoga's empowering future.

Over the course of three eight-week periods of study & virtual retreat held throughout the year, participants engage in an immersive study of yoga's diverse traditions, commit to daily practice, and join guided discussions that explore the application of ancient wisdom to modern life. The Sādhana School empowers individuals to develop skills of clarity, resilience, and meaning for a lifetime of wonder. Each period includes weekly sessions (lasting 2 hours) and extensive guidance and training to help you build and sustain your daily home practice.

Completing 4 Sādhanas (a full year of SS) will fufil a core curriculum requirement for those interested in both our Yoga Alliance-certified Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) Program and our more extensive Embodied Philosopher Formation Program (EPFP). The Sādhana School is therefore firstly a choice to pursue the most extensive investigation of the yoga tradition you'll find outside the university. This process will bear fruits that can be applied to various aspects of life. For those who feel a calling to share yoga's profound wisdom, the YTT and the EPFP offer skills training for teachers, facilitators, and educators who want to participate in building a new paradigm of contemplative education for a wiser world.

. . . Develop a comprehensive knowledge of Sanskrit texts and terms.

. . . Awaken your inner teacher & become an agent of contemplative change.

. . . Build a toolkit of subtle contemplative practices that heal & transform

Additionally, an annual virtual seven-day virtual retreat provides an opportunity for deeper immersion in practice and for cultivating our community of practitioners.

. . . Empower your contemplative practice with ancient wisdom.

Building on your foundation of Sādhana...

Anchor Your Life in Contemplative Wisdom.

Whether you've experienced moments of profound spiritual insight or simply feel called to explore the depths of yoga beyond the physical postures, the Sādhana School provides the structure and support to nurture your contemplative education.

  • A strong foundation in yoga philosophy and its practical applications
  • Powerful contemplative practices to cultivate creativity, clarity, and resilience
  • A supportive community of fellow seekers and experienced scholar-practitioners
  • Align with a philosophical perspective of life as a dynamic unfolding of profound creativity & insight
  • Tools and strategies to access greater meaning and fulfillment in every aspect of life

Join us in the Sādhana School, and step into the fullness of your potential as a seeker, practitioner, and agent of contemplative change. Together, we'll explore the vast ocean of yogic wisdom and forge a path of clarity, purpose, and a sustainable sense of fulfillment.


Sādhana is a Sanskrit word that derives from the root /sādh, which means “to succeed,” “complete,” “finish,” or “accomplish.” In the context of spiritual and contemplative traditions of yoga and meditation, sādhana comes to refer to a variable sequence of practices by means of which one “accomplishes” the goals of yoga. The one who participates in sādhana is referred to as a sādhaka – one of several words we find in the yoga tradition for the yoga ‘practitioner.’

The Meaning of Sādhana


At the heart of sādhana is the goal of spiritual transformation, and so the repetition of practice is not done merely for the sake of repetition. Similar to how regularly brushing your teeth amounts to healthier, whiter teeth, the regularity of your practices will deepen your sādhana and have a cumulative impact on your life.


The word sādhana is grammatically connected to the word "siddhi", which is sometimes referred to as the yogic "superpower." While we can't promise levitation or telepathy as the result of your practices, it is a widespread experience of those who engage in deep sādhana that they can acquire new skills, discover latent faculties, and encounter abilities and interests that can fundamentally transform the lives of those who practice.

Illuminate Your Path in Uncertain Times

Through lectures, workshops, practices and a deep study of ancient wisdom, students are offered practical, time-tested systems that make sense of life’s trials and tribulations. As they expand their worldview, align with their deepest Self, and cultivate a sense of authentic meaningfulness, spontaneous streams of clarity, insight, creativity and compassion begin to transformatively arise.

  • As traditional sources of meaning falter and crises of truth are seemingly everywhere, you'll seek to understand truth at a deeper philosophical level
  • As others turn to conspiracy theories for answers, you'll turn to theories that unite and heal rather than divide us
  • When spiritual practice feels flat, you'll study those traditions of knowledge which plumb the depths and provide pragmatic perspectives for some of life's greatest challenges
  • When moments of clarity feel fleeting, you'll harness tools that organize and sustain your capacity for insight
  • When so many spiritual seekers travel isolated and alone, you will have a sanctuary of kindred spirits to continuously derive support from

Hear from students of the recent Sādhana on the Matsyendrasamhitā

"Every single day was perfect and just what I needed for a boost in my practice. There is so much more to my understanding of the subtle body. It brings you back to the the foundations of Sādhana, practicing everyday. The commitment is the best part."

- Patricia Pinto

Click to play video

"My perspective has changed on studying yoga philosophy . . . I have often felt that I'm sort of an outlier and that I will never quite get it and that it's a little bit out of my reach. This course brought it within reach, taught me so much about yoga philosophy in general. It has demystified what it means to take something that you're learning and bring it into your own life in a way that is accessible."

- Heather Carpenter

Click to play video

"This course is very different from other yoga courses that I have taken in the past. Usually yoga courses are more focused on Patañjali and the eight limbs, the classical history of yoga. I think the Sādhana is very unique and I don't think many people know about it. So I'm quite happy I had this opportunity."

- Virginia

Click to play video

"I think anybody who has an interest in expanding their awareness with a really, really experienced teacher — it would benefit them."

- Ali Woozley

Click to play video

Without guidance and community, the contemplative journey can feel alienating and overwhelming. Without a context of deep contemplative knowledge, we struggle to manifest our insights in the world beyond the meditation cushion or the yoga mat. The Sādhana School offers a sanctuary for those seeking to deepen their understanding, providing a robust framework to contextualize your experiences and transform them into powerful tools for personal and societal transformation.


2024-2025 Annual Sādhana School Schedule

Fall 2024 (Oct 22 - Dec 18): Spiritual Technology: A Pluralistic Odyssey Through Yoga Philosophy

Yoga Philosophy provides an ocean of insight, but navigating its many schools and traditions can be an overwhelming endeavor. The emerging standards of teaching yogic thought have fallen into two camps: either an emphasis on historicizing abstractions and objective distance, or a limited focus on a reductive image of yoga that dissolves its elegant differences into a fundamentalist notion of the “true”, “authentic” yoga. In studying yoga philosophy, one should position oneself not as an objective observer nor as a blind follower, but as a scholar-practitioner. The great yogic thinkers, whether someone like Abhinavagupta for the Śaiva-Śākta Darśana or Śankarācārya for the Advaita Vedānta, were both devoted practitioners and rigorous thinkers. While they differed in philosophical conclusions, they were similar in their commitment to sādhana. Our method of approach, while exploring many texts and traditions of yoga, will be to avoid dogmatism by adopting a philosophically pluralistic attitude. This attitude is not alien to the tradition, but is perhaps best represented in the Jain principle of anekāntavāda – a principle of intellectual charity that seeks to experientially understand how many traditions can be equally true, even when they seem to teach contradictory conclusions. We will see how both dualism and non-dualism are true, how both permanence and impermanence are true, and how consciousness is both nothing at all and everything, everywhere, all at once. At the heart of this seeming incoherence is something deeply transformative – a yogic experience that reveals the unique synthesis of paradox.

Winter 2025 (Jan 21 - Mar 12): Pratyabhijñā & the Esoteric Heart of Tantric Recognition

The pratyabhijña is the glistening philosophical heart of Kashmir Shaivism. Its philosophers Somananda, Utpaladeva, and Abhinavagupta transformed the Śaiva-Śākta Tantra into a formidable opponent of Buddhist thinkers like Dignāga and Dharmakīrti. In arguing for a conception of consciousness as the foundation of everything, their philosophy remains incredibly poignant and relevant to this day. In our winter 2024 sādhana, we will explore selections from Somananda’s Śivadṛṣṭi, Utpaladeva’s Īśvarapratyabhijñākārikā, and Abhinavagupta’s Īśvarapratyabhijñāvimarśinī. In exploring these texts, we will also be brought into one of the most fascinating philosophical debates in world history between the Śaivas and the Buddhists. As we engage with these illuminating arguments and counter-arguments, we will continue to practice and experiment with the ways that philosophical views inform and re-form our personal practice.

Spring 2025 (Apr 15 - Jun 3): Rasa Theory & the Aesthetics of Yogic Experience

One of the most vibrant intellectual contributions of the Indian tradition is its theories of aesthetics. Initially a discourse concerned with the beauty of ornamentation, the theory of rasa transformed into an insightful adventure of aesthetic mysticism. Throughout this sādhana, we will explore the aesthetic works of key thinkers like Bhoja, Ānandavardhana, and Abhinavagupta. We will explore the 8 (and 9) different rasas and their connection to contemplative experience, and discover how theatre reflects a key aspect of contemplative insight. We will take a keen interest in the poetic genre known as stotra, and will chant a number of these poems as a core aspect of our yogic sādhana.

Summer Virtual Retreat (Jul 14-20): Kuṇḍalinī & Radical Yogic Embodiment

Over seven days, you will engage with some of the core texts that explore the kuṇḍalinī-śakti – the creative power of spiritual awakening, while engaging with a unique adaptation of "kuṇḍạlinī-informed" haṭha-yoga practice. The concept of “Kuṇḍalinī Awakening” is very well known in the modern spiritual world, but very few people understand the mechanisms of consciousness by means of which this experience can arise. By becoming more familiar with the teachings and theories of the kuṇḍalinī-śakti, you will have a context and vocabulary through which to recognize experiences that might arise for you in the context of your sādhana, as well as develop the tools to build a unique home haṭha-yoga practice unknown to the modern postural yoga world.

Become a Force for Contemplative Healing

Our students want to remember who they truly are. They want to live their lives fully and completely, while savouring the entire spectrum of possibilities in both their inner landscapes and their relational lives. There is perhaps no form of healing more necessary than this. Through contemplative studies and practices, our students’ lives metamorphize in ways beyond which they could have previously imagined, as they engage with their natural human potential for joy, expansion, wisdom, connection and fulfillment.

  • Embody the transformative power of yoga in your relationships and communities
  • Expand the conception of the "yoga teacher" into the "embodied philosopher"
  • Contribute to a growing movement to apply wisdom to the world's challenges
  • Discover your unique role in fostering a more compassionate, mindful, and interconnected society
  • Nourish and empower your contemplative practice with subtle techniques from ancient traditions
  • Join an evolving community of kindred spirits at the grassroots
  • Discover opportunities to forge the future of yoga and contemplative education today

As you deepen your practice and understanding, you become a beacon of insight in a world hungry for meaning. The Sādhana School empowers you to:

LIVE Bonus Seminars Available to All Sādhana School Students

Schedule of Seminars available after enrollment. More Seminar Topics TBA.

Yogipratyakṣa: The Philosophy of Yogic Perception

The Philosophy of Iconography in the Indian Tantric Traditions

Building a Personal Sādhana


Locating Inspiration on the
Path of Sādhana

A Primer to Sanskrit
Vocabulary & Terminology

Building an Altar: How to and Why It Matters


Unlike other individualized self-help programs or yoga teacher trainings that provide superficial or limited solutions, Embodied Philosophy uses scholar-practitioner Jacob Kyle’s deep understanding of original yogic source materials – some of which are many centuries old – as he makes available to the wise and the curious, in easily digestible bites, that which until now have been relatively unknown teachings of the yogic wisdom universe. In addition, students learn from other famous yogic scholar-practitioners from around the world in a thriving and vibrant online community, where compelling discussions are had, connections are made, and friendships are formed.


Since Embodied Philosophy first opened its virtual doors, our editorial emphasis has been on developing a comprehensive library of contemplative traditions, teachings, and practices. After nearly 10 years of programming and having served over 100,000 students and seekers, our next phase involves a greater commitment to a core community of students who wish to dedicate themselves to sustained study and practice.

The Sādhana School is designed for those seeking a community of practice in a context of deep study. We will meet throughout the year in three different eight-week sādhanas and an annual virtual seven-day retreat. We will combine a rigorous study of yoga’s diverse textual history with a commitment to daily practice. During periods of sādhana, we will meet once per week, and during each period of sādhana we will be anchored to a text or series of texts that represent a different facet of the yoga tradition.

Contemplative learning is a lifelong process, because a meaningful life is one that should be actively cultivated. In a world that suggests education ends at age eighteen (or perhaps sometime after university or graduate school), the traditions of esoteric wisdom suggest that when you no longer take an interest in contemplative education, the personality can begin to harden and ossify. The lack of flexibility in one’s heart and mind easily leads to rigidity and dogmatism. One needs merely to notice the social challenges of today to observe the effects of individuals who think they know all there is to know. Our contemporary crisis of cultural divisiveness is a case study in ignorance and limiting beliefs. At the same time, the decline in organized religion has triggered a pandemic of cosmic meaninglessness, and what currently seeks to fill the gap is either ideological conformity or new paradigms of political fundamentalism.

Creating a wiser, more contemplative world requires cultivating a new contemplative imagination, one that inspires the formation of new ideas, methodologies, and modes of relationship. Studying the contemplative texts of yoga is not a conservative turn to an idealized past; it is the harnessing of time-tested technologies that put us in a more direct relationship with the source of all creativity, insight, and meaningfulness.

Why Sādhana School?

Why Now?

What is the Sādhana School (SS)?
The Sādhana School (SS) is a comprehensive curriculum for those who are seeking wisdom and awakening. It is a learning laboratory that harnesses the deeper principles and philosophies of the yoga tradition for sustainable change at the personal, professional, and community levels.

The SS curriculum varies year to year. Attendees can elect to do a single 8-week sādhana, or sign up for the full-year’s curriculum. A full year includes three 8-week periods of study & the Summer virtual retreat. Participants engage in an immersive study of yoga's diverse traditions, commit to daily practice, and join guided discussions that explore the application of ancient wisdom to modern life.
Who should participate in the Sādhana School?
SS is designed for individuals who are seeking deep, contemplative study and practice, particularly those who want to explore the wisdom of yoga beyond physical postures. SS is for spiritual seekers, yoga practitioners, scholars, seasoned and aspiring yoga teachers, and those seeking community and guidance during existential times. The SS can anchor anyone’s life in spiritual wisdom, and propel them to become transformative agents in their personal and professional endeavors.Your content
Is the Sādhana School live and is attendance mandatory?
Each 8-week sādhana will have one live weekly session (lasting 2 hours). Recordings of each session will be available on demand within 1-2 business days of the live session. Attendance is only mandatory for those wishing to pursue the Embodied Philosophy 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training.
Can I receive continuing education credits through the Sādhana School?
For those who have an existing certification as a yoga teacher, therapist, or counselor, hours of the Sādhana School may be redeemable as continuing education credits. See your respective certifying body for policies regarding continuing education credits.

More on Sādhana School . . .

Yoga Teacher Training (YTT)

The Sādhana School will provide you with a deeply orientating encounter with yoga’s profound traditions of meaning and truth. Over the course of this experience, it is natural to feel inspired to become a vessel for the dissemination of yogic wisdom. Embodied Philosophy has until now hesitated to launch a Yoga Alliance-certified Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) program, but the state of affairs in the world and a newfound transformation of our cultural and spiritual awareness means that now is the time.

This optional deepening of the Sādhana School will provide you with all the Yoga Alliance certified skills to launch (or expand) your yoga teaching practice. We will equip you with little-known practices, techniques, and technologies, and we will train you to teach not just the physical postures of yoga (āsana), but (perhaps more importantly) the subtle yogic practices of breath, meditation, chanting, and visualization. The yoga teacher as we understand it at Embodied Philosophy honors the present paradigm of modern postural yoga, but expands and deepens the possibilities of yogic teaching by grounding this teacher training process in the practices, traditions, and sacred texts that are very often either unknown or largely ignored by the majority of yoga teacher trainings available today.

Over six immersive weekends scheduled over six months (January - June 2025), you will learn how to teach foundational āsanas (postures), learn about functional anatomy and physiology, principles and approaches to teaching methodology, and develop skills to thrive in a modern yoga business climate – both online and offline.


200-Hour YTT | Weekend Trainings from January - June, 2025

Take your studies to the next level...

For those interested in this additional process, see the enrollment section for options below.

How does the Sādhana School count toward my Yoga Teacher Training?

Completing 4 sādhanas (a full year of SS) fulfills the Yoga Humanities (30 hours) core curriculum requirements for those interested in Embodied Philosophy’s Yoga Alliance-certified Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) Program.

What does it mean to be Yoga Alliance certified?
Our Yoga Teacher Training program is Yoga Alliance certified which means we have met the standards set by Yoga Alliance, a globally recognized organization that establishes guidelines for safe and competent yoga teaching. Embodied Philosophy is officially recognized as a Registered Yoga School (RYS) by Yoga Alliance. This means our curriculum and faculty adhere to Yoga Alliance’s minimum educational standards in areas like teaching methodology, anatomy, philosophy, and ethics.
Do I need previous yoga experience to enroll in the 200-hour YTT?
No, previous yoga experience is not required to enroll in the 200-hour YTT. While having some familiarity with yoga can be beneficial, the integration of our Sādhana School and YTT program is designed to give you the grounded practices and transformative yoga philosophy foundations that are too-often neglected by other yoga trainings.
Will I be qualified to teach yoga after completing the 200-hour training?
Once you receive your 200-hour certificate, you are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200). This is an internationally recognized credential that certifies you have completed the required 200 hours of training in accordance with Yoga Alliance standards.
What certification will I receive upon completion of the 200-hour YTT?
After completion of our 200-hour YTT, you will receive a certificate verifying that you have successfully completed the 200-hour yoga teacher training program at a Yoga Alliance-certified school.

By registering with Yoga Alliance as an RYT-200, you gain credibility as a certified yoga instructor, which can enhance your opportunities to teach at studios, gyms, retreats, and online, both locally and globally.
Your content

More on Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) . . .

Yoga Business Coaching Accelerator with Ava Taylor

Many yoga teachers operate in a bubble, with very little expert advice or support to help make the most of their offerings. Is it time to take stock of your existing business and to reIMAGINE the path that your yoga business is on? Do you need to think in fresh & innovative ways based on the current market environment in order to move your platform forward, or keep your business afloat? Do you have pressing business concerns or difficult questions that need to be answered? Or important, exciting decisions to make about your yoga business? Are you negotiating contracts, offers or opportunities on your own? If so, yoga business coaching is for you.

By joining Ava Taylor, you'll tap into over 15 years of experience negotiating, vetting and creating opportunities as well as launching, maintaining, and leveling up over a 1000 yoga businesses worldwide.


Starting in April 2025 following the Completion of

EP's Yoga Teacher Training

Outline of your Coaching Experience . . .

Each participant will walk away with . . .

  • Week 1 & 2: Assess + Maximize your existing yoga business
  • Week 3 & 4: reIMAGINE the yoga business of your dreams. Recommit to your purpose, clarify your dreams, and tell your story powerfully.
  • Week 5: Understand Your Goods and ServicesLearn how to price and package what you offer.
  • Week 6: Set Goals, clear obstacles keeping you from reaching your goals, and get out of your own way.
  • Week 7: Identify Strategies to reach your goals
  • A comprehensive business assessment across your service models, visual identity cash flow, content and weekly workflow
  • A 12 month Road Map Business Plan
  • 1:1 Coaching - Work on YOUR yoga business in real time
  • Support, Accountability, and a Sounding Board for Your Ideas

Each session features lecture and individualized group coaching designed to help you take action immediately in your yoga business.

Is the coaching tailored to my specific personal and professional goals?
While our small group coaching offers the benefit of a collaborative, supportive environment, we recognize that each participant has unique personal and professional goals. That’s why our program is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing for personalized attention within the group setting. Through one-on-one check-ins, customized exercises, and individualized feedback, you’ll receive coaching that speaks directly to your aspirations and challenges.
Who is yoga business coaching for?
Yoga business coaching with Ava Taylor is for those who are serious about bringing their yoga careers to the next level – those who wish to reimagine and rejuvenate their existing operations, those looking to get more traction with their offers, or those who simply desire to differentiate from the competition, and think in fresh and innovative ways.
How long is a typical coaching package?
A coaching package consists of 7 weekly sessions. Each session features lecture and individualized group coaching designed to help you take action immediately in your yoga business.

More on Coaching with Ava Taylor . . .

Jacob Kyle

Jacob Kyle is a meditation teacher, writer, philosophy educator, and the Founding Director of Embodied Philosophy. His guiding mission is to re-imagine the modern function of the yoga teacher in alignment with the teachings, texts, and traditions of yoga's profound history. He believes that by building a network of teachers who share a commitment to disseminating the deeper teachings and practices of yoga, we can build a world based on wisdom rather than ideology and divisiveness.

Jacob is a doctoral student at the University of Oxford, researching Abhinavagupta's Philosophy of Language and Meditation with advisor Diwakar Acharya. He holds an MPhil in Classical Indian Religions from Oxford (2023), an MA in Philosophy from the New School for Social Research (2017), and an MSc in Political Theory from the London School of Economics (2007). Jacob is a passionate advocate of Kashmir Śaivism and a devoted practitioner of the Śaiva-Śākta Darśana.

Lead Teacher & Facilitator

Sādhana School Guest Teachers

Shree Nahata

Sanskrit PhD, University of Oxford

Sādhana School: Yogipratyakṣa

Sthaneshwar Timalsina

Professor (Religions and Philosophies of India) San Diego State University

Sādhana School: Iconography of Deities

Tias Little

Founding-Director of Prajna Yoga

Sādhana School: Integrating Subtle Body with Modern Anatomy

Ava Taylor

Founder of YAMA Talent, author of Your Yoga Business.

Sādhana School: Yoga Teacher Training Faculty

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We know that you'll find this course informative, educational and inspiring.

But we want you to know that even if you don't, Course refund requests submitted within 30 days of the purchase date are fully honored. To request a refund, contact our support team at We promise to have your refund issued within 5 business days.

Save when you enroll in the Sādhana School for a whole year. Save even more when you bundle Sādhana School with Embodied Philosophy's Yoga Teacher Training and Business Coaching with Ava Taylor.

See below to set up an optional 20-minute discovery call.

Join the Sādhana School

As a Stand-Alone Experience, Yoga Teacher Training, or YTT+Coaching





  • Three 8-week periods of Sādhana School (Fall, Winter, Spring)
  • Summer Virtual Retreat
  • Six Live Bonus Training Seminars
  • 200-Hour Yoga Alliance Certification
  • Business Coaching with Ava Taylor



  • Three 8-week periods of Sādhana School (Fall, Winter, Spring)
  • Summer Virtual Retreat
  • Six Live Bonus Training Seminars
  • 100 Hours of Study



  • 1-Yr of Sādhana School (100 Hrs)
  • 6-month Training in Āsana, Physiology, Methodology, Pedagogy
  • Six Immersive Weekend Trainings
  • Live & On-Demand Video Trainings
  • 200-Hour Yoga Alliance Certification







or as low as $94 a month

or as low as $122 a month

or as low as $104 a month






  • Three 8-week periods of Sādhana School (Fall, Winter, Spring)
  • Summer Virtual Retreat
  • Six Live Bonus Training Seminars
  • 200-Hour Yoga Alliance Certification
  • Business Coaching with Ava Taylor



  • Three 8-week periods of Sādhana School (Fall, Winter, Spring)
  • Summer Virtual Retreat
  • Six Live Bonus Training Seminars
  • 100 Hours of Study



  • 1-Yr of Sādhana School (100 Hrs)
  • 6-month Training in Āsana, Physiology, Methodology, Pedagogy
  • Six Immersive Weekend Trainings
  • Live & On-Demand Video Trainings
  • 200-Hour Yoga Alliance Certification







or as low as $94 a month

or as low as $122 a month

or as low as $104 a month

Use SADHANAEARLY250 at checkout for an additional $250 off
(offer ends October 7)

Use SADHANAEARLY250 at checkout for an additional $250 off

(offer ends October 7)

Use SADHANAEARLY250 at checkout for an additional $250 off

(offer ends October 7)


Schedule a 20-minute Discovery Call with Jacob

Are you fascinated and inspired by this program but still have questions unique to your circumstances? Set up a 20-minute Discovery Call with Embodied Philosophy Director Jacob Kyle, and get your unique questions answered.


The cost of this discovery call is $25, but if you decide to join Sādhana School, this price will be applied to your Sādhana School enrollment and therefore deducted from your overall price.

À la Carte Offerings

Want to dip your toes into an individual Sādhana or just looking for coaching? Choose from the available one-off options below.

Fall 2024: Spiritual Technology: A Pluralistic Odyssey Through Yoga Philosophy (8-Week Sādhana)



Winter 2025: Pratyabhijñā Philosophy & the Esoteric Heart of Recognition (8-Week Sādhana)

Spring Coaching: Small-Group Coaching with Ava Taylor



/ $497




Spring 2025: Rasa Theory & the Aesthetics of Yogic Experience (8-Week Sādhana)



Summer Virtual Retreat 2025: Kuṇḍalinī & Radical Yogic Embodiment (7-Day Sādhana Retreat)

About the Embodied Philosopher Formation Program (EPFP)

It is often said that every person has a book inside them yet to be written. But what if there was a way to transform that one book into the fertile soil of your entire life's work? Each chapter becomes a possible workshop you can then offer at a yoga studio, community center, or even as a Ted Talk or corporate event. Every section of this book becomes a locus for what you have to offer a world uniquely in need of yoga's transformative insights.

  • Integrating somatics, spirituality, and postural yoga in a unique multi-disciplinary offering
  • Becoming a therapeutic guide grounded and informed by philosophical wisdom teachings
  • Public speaking for community, corporate, or spiritual settings
  • Training future teachers to become embodied philosophers themselves
  • Developing curricula for use in childhood and adult contemplative education
  • Offering retreats that combine the rigours of philosophical knowledge with the depth of contemplative practices
  • Writing books and resources for the next generation of contemplative seekers and guides

The Embodied Philosopher Formation Program (EPFP) is not a one-size-fits-all educational process. It serves as a foundation for those who want to evolve their teaching career toward possibilities like:

"Why just teach yoga, when you can change the world?"

Many yoga teacher trainings prepare you to facilitate a simple yoga class, but most will fail to help trainees craft a holistic vision for the future that extends beyond the modern yoga studio. The Sādhana School is where this journey begins, by transforming you into a vessel of yogic wisdom. By becoming intimate with yoga's diverse traditions and perspectives, you will locate and become knowledgeable about those niche areas of yogic truth that eventually will situate you to become an agent of contemplative change.

  1. Completing 4 Sādhanas (100 Hours), or one year of Sādhana School programming
  2. Yoga Teacher Training Modules (100 Hours)
  3. The Will, Knowledge & Action Process – A Small-Group Mentorship Program that Shapes Your Vision for the Future
  4. Contemplative Life Design: How to Guide Others through the Yogic Wisdom Appropriate for Them
  5. Teaching & Facilitation Hours with Feedback from Lead Teachers
  6. Completion of a Final Project chosen in alignment with your area of specialization

Successful Completion of the EPFP Curriculum includes:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I receive continuing education credits?


IAYT Approved Professional Development (APD) CREDIT You can easily submit the 36 CE credits for this certificate by locating the listing here and clicking on the course Verify Credits link. You will answer a few questions about your satisfaction with the course, upload your certificate of completion, and the CE credits will be posted to your profile. (Your course input is private. Any data shared with course leaders and Embodied Philosophy from IAYT will be de-identified and provided only in aggregate.)

Yoga Alliance This certificate program can be registered for continuing education credits with Yoga Alliance.

How many hours a week can I expect?


Students can expect around 4 - 6 hours per week of work throughout the program. Each week will have 2 courses, with 2 hours per session. Courses will include suggested & required readings, which will be provided ahead of time. In addition, there will be 3 separate, 90-minute Integration Sessions over the duration of the program. Integration Sessions will be a time to reconsider the material presented in the general lectures through conversation with a faculty member and through small group discussions with fellow students. Students are required to keep a private written journal of reflections (not submitted) responding to question on the course syllabi.

Are all courses live and is attendance mandatory?


Students can expect around 4 - 6 hours per week of work throughout the program. Each week will have 2 courses, with 2 hours per session. Courses will include suggested & required readings, which will be provided ahead of time. In addition, there will be 3 separate, 90-minute Integration Sessions over the duration of the program. Integration Sessions will be a time to reconsider the material presented in the general lectures through conversation with a faculty member and through small group discussions with fellow students. Students are required to keep a private written journal of reflections (not submitted) responding to question on the course syllabi.

What are the program requirements for completion?

  • Watch recordings of all course sessions.
  • Students joining us during the live release of the program must attend at least one of the integration sessions live to complete the program. Students enrolling after the live sessions have taken place are required to watch at least one replay.
  • Keep up with required readings for each module.
  • Keep a private journal of syllabus reflections (not turned in). This does not need to be extensive writing. Free write a half-page or a page for each session.

Will I receive guidance during the program?


Live students received feedback and the chance to interact with faculty in the three Integration Sessions with program faculty. The program is now on-demand and self-guided, without faculty interaction.

Who should participate in this program?


This certificate program is suitable for yoga teachers, yoga therapists, healthcare professionals, counselors, psychotherapists, and individuals with a keen interest in yoga, holistic healing, and personal growth. It is designed to provide foundational knowledge and practical skills for those wishing to integrate yoga therapy and Ayurvedic principles into their professional practices or personal lives.

Are there scholarships available?


Scholarships were only available for the live offering of this program. If you have a financial need, please write to

Scholarships Now Closed. BIPOC Rate Available:

We believe in everyone’s right to access wisdom education. Our larger programs offer installment plans available at checkout. To support equity and inclusivity in our community, we offer a reduced rate for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) individuals. If you identify as BIPOC and are interested in this rate, please reach out to for more information.

Step into the fullness of your potential as a seeker, practitioner, and agent of positive change.

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