Expanding Yoga: Integrating Ancient Wisdom with Ethical Yoga Business Principles

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  • Co-Create the future of yoga teaching & contemplative education.
  • Design classes that blend philosophy, technology, and community.
  • Integrate deep insight with business skills for greater success.
  • Explore yoga's historical styles to inspire your own.

September 14th, 2024 | 9:00 - 4:30 ET | Live + Recording Available

Myths about the present are stifling your future. Discover solutions to thrive in today's yoga world.

By the end of this one-day summit, you will have actionable solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing yoga teachers today.

Refine your relationship with yoga's history and philosophies, discover bridges between yoga & other embodied perspectives, enhance the yoga community as a place of wisdom, insight and connection, nurture your yoga practice and/or teaching through transformative education, give back – these are just a few of the ways we can be of service to the yoga world.

Showing up for this one-day summit is a decision to creatively contribute to solutions, and throughout this event there will be opportunities to cultivate greater knowledge, sensitivity and access to actionable solutions. By the end of this summit, you will take a step to become conduits of compassion, wisdom, and vision.

Join us in this project to build a sustainable future for the yoga community.

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This Summit is for you if you want to become...

Integrate insights from yoga philosophy and discover how to inhabit authenticity in your teaching in a way that helps make you of greater service to the yoga world and beyond.

An Agent of Change for Yoga's Future

Harness your innate creativity to build bridges that transcend the spaces between us and join a community of dedicated problem-solvers.

A Skillful & Effective Bridge Builder

Yoga practitioners, leaders and teachers are uniquely situated to become diplomats of compassion. Hone your knowledge & voice for the road ahead.

A Strategic & Effective Yoga Biz Owner

We believe in asking questions and discovering a path forward informed by wisdom.

This one-day summit is for the spiritually-curious, for yoga practitioners, and for aspiring yoga teachers and existing yoga teachers who are dissatisfied with the limited opportunities of the modern yoga world. Throughout the summit, we will be exploring constructive perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing yoga teachers & communities today, and help prepare you to participate in the creation of yoga's empowering future.

  • Learn actionable ways to integrate philosophical perspectives into your yoga teachings
  • Discover a path forward for taking your teaching beyond the yoga studio
  • Study a hybrid business model integrating grassroots brick-and-mortar business practices with online techniques & strategies
  • Chart out the “three great stages” of your yoga career
  • Flip your perspective about doing business with the "sādhana-centered business model"
  • Resolve your discomforts with the money side of things by understanding how ancient yogis supported themselves and the dissemination of their teachings
  • Use the "Design Worksheet" to design yoga classes, workshops, and retreats along philosophical themes
  • Harness the 3-step process for creating "magical" experiences
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Why this Educational Event? Why Now?

Over the past several years, the future of yoga practice & teaching has become far less certain. The closing of countless studios due to the pandemic coupled with the effects of social media have produced a radical shift in the cultural and social climate of yoga.

Changes to studio culture in the wake of social and political movements, joined with shifts in our understanding of yoga’s history, have caused an identity crisis in the modern postural yoga community. While some would lament the loss of the way things were, these changes offer opportunities for evolution, refinement, development, and the cultivation of a deeper and wiser modern yoga community.

Live Schedule & Bonus Courses

9:00-10:45 am | Opening Session: "The Evolving Landscape of Yoga Teaching"

In this interactive opening session, all participants will share their views on the state of yoga teaching today and begin to envision the future. We will then discuss the historical evolution of yoga teaching, and then meditate on a vision of things to come. We will highlight the importance of combining philosophical depth with business acumen to develop more impactful and successful yoga teachers.

10:45-11:45 am | "Authenticity as a Business Strategy"

This session will focus on aligning your teaching with philosophy and building a teaching perspective rooted in your unique understanding of yoga wisdom. We will showcase case studies of successful teachers who have integrated their knowledge into their business model and will offer practical exercises for identifying and articulating your authentic voice.

11:45 am-1:15 pm | "Creating Transformative Experiences Beyond Āsana & the Sādhana-Centered Business Model"

This session will cover designing classes, workshops, and retreats that incorporate yoga philosophy, along with strategies for pricing and marketing your yoga offerings. It will also explore how using technology, such as apps and online courses can enhance teachings and address the challenge of balancing accessibility with depth in your offerings. This session will further highlight how consistent personal practice enhances teaching and career opportunities. It will offer strategies for balancing spiritual and organizational growth through a contemplative practice-based approach.

1:15 pm-2:00 pm | LUNCH BREAK

2:00-3:30 pm | [Coaching with Ava]: "The Three Great Stages of Your Yoga Career"

In this actionable interactive session, volunteers from the participants will receive sample coaching on their yoga teaching or business practice. From beginning your business, to choosing the destination, you'll learn how to assess what you're doing and where you're going. Ava will offer helpful insights into navigating the tensions around money exchanged for yoga's services, while teaching strategies for nurturing a community both online and offline. We'll also discuss how to maximize and assess your existing business, engaging your audience through storytelling and mythology, and leveraging your community for business growth.

3:30-4:30 pm | Closing Session: Q&A and Where We Go From Here

In our closing session together, we will return to where we started: the question of what yoga teaching is, what it has been, and what its future can be. Here, we will answer questions that arise, and ultimately leave with a shared motivation and commitment to build this future together. The future doesn't simply happen to us. Every small decision we make to become wiser, more effective teachers and facilitators becomes the world in which more and more inspired individuals will take up the task of sharing one of the greatest adventures possible in this lifetime – the adventure of yogic inspiration and liberation.

September 14th, 2024 Live Summit Schedule (East Coast USA / ET)

Yoga Gives Back mobilizes yoga practitioners worldwide to channel their gratitude into empowering India’s women and children to create sustainable lives. From sourcing microloans to women to providing care and education to children in low income communities, YGB is helping to build a future of generosity & cultural responsibility.

A Portion of All Proceeds go to Yoga Gives Back

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BONUS COURSE ($147 Value)

This on-demand course (available immediately upon enrollment) highlights themes from the past that keep traditions alive in the 21st century, while also reflecting on contemporary agency. Identifying potential continuities amidst all the change, it provides a corrective to misappropriation and inauthenticity.

In this course students will learn to:

Yoga: From the Past to the Future

  • Critically evaluate historical narratives
  • Understand their own place in the process of change
  • Identify themes that connect innovations with earlier traditions
  • Refine awareness of contemporary concerns about authenticity
  • Develop a vision of how modern practice relates to the past
  • Articulate priorities for yoga’s evolution in the 21st century

BONUS TALKS ($149 Value)

This conference is tailored for yoga teachers at all levels, entrepreneurs, and educators seeking to enhance their impact. The conference features yoga business experts over five-days-worth of on-demand talks, sharing personal stories and strategies to reignite passion and manage professional challenges.

INSPIRE: An Online Conference for Yoga Teachers

  • Learn how to dream big by listening to 'early days' anecdotes from speakers
  • Get comfortable with 'faking it 'til you make it,' building confidence amidst self doubt
  • Be inspired to 'brand your own weird' by going your own way by upholding yoga's principles through your own artistic integrity

Attendees of this conference will:

Connect to the "hive mind" of modern yoga's most inspired innovators.

It can be incredibly useful to connect to the “hive mind” and learn about how others have paved their own path — through failures, break-throughs, and successes.


Jacob Kyle

Ava Taylor

Special Guests

Ava Taylor is an avid yogi and a tenacious, creative entrepreneur, author and consultant. Her personal mission is to bring the tools of yoga and wellness to communities of all kinds. Throughout her career Taylor has collaborated with over 1,000 yoga teachers, studio owners, and brands. She is the go-to strategist for yoga business owners looking to get their businesses to the next level. Based in New York City, she travels the world doing yoga with her clients and community as often as she can. Her latest offering, Your Yoga Business is available at Human Kinetics.

@avantaylor | www.yamatalent.com

Jacob Kyle is a meditation teacher, writer, philosophy educator, and the Founding Director of Embodied Philosophy. His guiding mission is to re-imagine the modern function of the yoga teacher in alignment with the teachings, texts, and traditions of yoga's profound history. Jacob is a doctoral student at the University of Oxford.He holds an MPhil in Classical Indian Religions from Oxford (2023), an MA in Philosophy from the New School for Social Research (2017), and an MSc in Political Theory from the London School of Economics (2007). Jacob is a passionate advocate of Kashmir Śaivism and a devoted practitioner of the Śaiva-Śākta Darśana.

We will be joined by guest celebrated yoga teachers who have been very successful integrating their unique approach to yogic teaching with many modern considerations.

We discuss with them the tensions, the ups and downs of building a community of students amidst the struggles of the modern yoga world.


Takeaways for all who participate:

Discover . . .

Learn . . .

  • How you will participate in co-creating the future of the yoga teacher
  • Current trends and future projections of the yoga world
  • Historical facts about yoga’s various expressions
  • Real-life examples about what has worked for other teachers
  • Ways to be of greater service in and outside the yoga community
  • What successful yoga teachers understand about the intersection of philosophy and business
  • A hybrid business model integrating grassroots brick-and-mortar business practices with online techniques & strategies
  • The “three great stages” of your yoga career
  • The sādhana-centered business model
  • How to integrate philosophical perspectives into your yoga teachings
  • How to resolve discomforts with the money side of things by understanding a little bit of the history on the relationship between yoga & money
  • How to design yoga classes, workshops, and retreats on philosophical themes
  • How to create magical experiences

Comprehensive business assessment

12-month business
plan template

Voice, brand, and identity exercises

Pricing and packaging service menu sample


On the practical business side of things, Ava will provide . . .

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We know that you'll find this event informative, educational and inspiring.

But we want you to know that even if you don't, your purchase is 100% secure.

We will honor all requests for a refund, which can be made by contacting our support team at hello@embodiedphilosophy.com. We promise to have your refund sorted out within 72 hours.


  • Summit Sessions Strengthening your offering by incorporating Yoga Philosophy into your Practice & Teaching
  • Coaching Workshop Building strategies for your yoga business
  • Lifetime Access to Video Recordings
  • BONUS Course: Yoga: From the Past to the Future (4-Modules / 8 Hours)
  • BONUS Talks: INSPIRE - An Online Conference for Yoga Teachers (5 days-worth of on-demand talks)

One-Time Payment


/ One-time

One-Day Summit + Bonuses

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Expanding Yoga: Integrating Ancient Wisdom with Ethical Yoga Business Principles

$591 Value